Section 1: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
1a. Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Policy
1b. Intimate Care
1d. Whistleblowing
1e. Camera, Mobile Phone and Recording Device Use
1f. Mobile Phone, Smartwatches and Social Networking
1g. Monitoring Staff Behaviour Policy
2b. Special Consideration for Employees
2c. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
2e. Dealing with Discriminatory Behaviour
3. Health and Safety – General Policy
5. Medication
6a. Promoting Positive Behaviour
6b. Biting
7. Overall Approach to Risk Assessment
Section 2: Health and Safety
9. Health and Safety in the Office
10. Fire Safety
11. Safety Checks
12. Manual Handling
17. Lost Child Procedure from Nursery
18. Lost Child Procedure from Outings
20. Alcohol and Substance Misuse
23. Adverse Weather
Section 3: Human Resources
26. Personnel
27. Staff Development and Training
28. Supervisions
29. Confidentiality
32. Staff Working with Their Own Children/Close Relation
33a. Students
33b. Young Worker Policy
34. Volunteers
35. Absence Management Procedure
36. Grievance Procedure
Section 4: Best Practice
39. Immunisation
40. Allergies and Allergic Reactions
41. Sun Care
42. Early Learning Opportunities Statement
43. Settling In
44. Transitions
45. Separated Family
46. Nappy Changing
47. Outdoor Play
48. Bereavement
50. Parents and Carers as Partners
51. Conflict Resolution with Parents who may be Challenging
52. Access and Storage of Information